4 Qualities to Look for in a Medical Staffing Company

You can think of a recruiter as the gatekeeper that stands between you and your desired position. They can help you fill open positions, negotiate a job offer, guide newly-hired healthcare workers, and build bridges within the facility for any accessible support systems. Their job is not easy and getting the right recruiter for your organization can prove more challenging than filling any open position. 


Take a moment, as a company, to understand the role of the current job opportunity. The more you know and understand about the requirements, the easier it will be to work with a great Healthcare Staffing firm.


To provide the best possible care, consulting with a healthcare recruiter can assist you in resolving a variety of issues. Having said that, here are three qualities to expect from your recruiter when you hire a nurse staffing agency to help with your vacancies.



Extensive Assistance


The best people to work with are the ones who give a lot to see your facility succeed. That includes going above and beyond what’s expected of them to help you get the right people on board your team. Choose an agency that will take you step-by-step through recruiting and hiring. Whether that means being extra careful to check those requirements or knowing the kind of nurses that will work well with your work culture, partnering with the right staffing firm can do wonders for your recruitment efforts. 

Ensures Long-Term Culture Fit


Bad hires impact your organization’s productivity and bottom line in the worst way. If you’re working with a staffing agency that only wants to provide candidates with little to no regard to retention considerations, then that’s a red flag. Even if supplying short-term or locum tenens employees, your agency should constantly be aware of your long-term needs. 


A great healthcare staffing firm will be able to provide temporary workers with full-time potential. The possibility of hiring an existing temporary employee into a full-time position will ensure a smooth transition for your facility. Pick a firm that cares about you getting candidates who more than meet your hiring requirements and standards. Looking for culture fit will ensure that your hires will be with the organization for years.


Easy and Constant Communication


The best temp staffing agencies know that communication is vital in business. No client should be left in the dark and no one should be leaving voicemails or emails that go unanswered. You won’t need to worry about waiting a day or two or even longer to get a response. 


When you engage a great staffing firm, all of your questions will be answered, all of your calls returned, all of your concerns appeased, and all of your needs fulfilled. That level and quality of communication make it easier for you to work with the firm and for the firm to find candidates that are a right fit for your company. 




A good staffing agency needs to be resilient enough to overcome any crisis and disappointment and get back on track. They need to rebound quickly and make sure that they learn the lesson from the bad experience. 


It’s a fact of life: sometimes issues arise. But the best medical staffing agencies know how to pre-empt problems and take charge if they occur. They are responsible for their workers even during the toughest times. Whether it’s violence in the workplace, on-site injuries, or human rights claims, the best firms know what to do and can handle any problem that comes up. They can mediate difficult situations to come up with win-win solutions.



Hiring a staffing agency can change the way you recruit people onto your team. If you’ve got an understaffed department, then it makes sense to hire pros to help you. 


To learn more about how you can get the most talented professionals available for the required disciplines, talk to Always Reliable Medical Staffing, we know your success is our success!